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TracFone prepaid wireless has a country wide network coverage and MVNO relationship with major carriers in the United States of America. TracFone can be availed from any one of the 60,000 retail outlets nationwide or can be purchased from online stores. Offering a wide collection of stylish handsets from leading manufacturers like Nokia, Motorola and LG, TracFone activation is also as easy as subscribing to it. Once TracFone is purchased simply visit their website at to activate your TracFone service. From the home page visit the "activate" page by clicking on the link. Follow the easy instructions on the screen and you are ready to go. To give you an easy start, TracFone offers a limited free airtime for their subscribers to use on activation. This airtime will soon expire if not used within a particular number of days.

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The Tracfone Motorola W370 is a single rate Track Phone. All the calls you make in your local area or out are one unit per minute. This includes international calls also. You can make calls to sixty different international areas for one unit per minute with the Tracfone W370. Check out Tracfone International Calling.


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