sanyo mm 7500

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sanyo mm 7500


If youÕre looking for a Sprint cellular phone then check out the latest offering from Sprint which is the Sanyo M1. The Sanyo M1 is a high end phone that is a bit larger than other phones on the market. This Sprint cellular phone has many customization options and cutting edge audio and visual options. The Sanyo M1 has 1 GB of memory built in but no slot for additional memory.

sanyo mm 7500
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The Sanyo SCP-5300 is an example of the Sanyo camera cell phone by Sprint. This camera cell phone has many important features which include but are not limited to camera, web browser, color LCD screen with 65000 colors, and games. This cellular phone is stylish and has a very nice design. It offers polyphonic sounds/ring tones, which sounds very realistic, like real music. The built-in camera allows you to make VGA photos, allows you to zoom, and offers a built-in flash. You can send the pictures that you took with this camera cell phone by Sprint to anyone on your list of friends.


sanyo mm 7500

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sanyo mm 7500
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