cingular go

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cingular go


Cingular cell phones are used by more than 1,200 federal, state, and local government agencies. They also serve more than 80 percent of Fortune 500 and 95 percent of Fortune 100 companies. The purchase of a Cingular cell phone guarantees superior product and service, along with values such as an unyielding integrity and a respect for all people irrespective of caste, creed, color, race, sex, age, or education.

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Cingular would probably be best in the city areas, for all the features they offer. T-mobile does have the best family plan, so if in a city they would be great for that. And businesses seem to like the Nextel and Sprint plans, they have a variety of options, especially Sprints extra $5 a month if you go over your minutes, not a price per minute, which always gives shockingly high phone bills.


cingular go

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